11th EuBIS Seminar and Training Good practices in blood components and medicinal products referring to GPG and GMP 6th - 8th of March 2019, Florence, Italy
14.Mar. 2019The 11th International EuBIS Seminar and Training Course is organised by the EuBIS Academy in cooperation with the National Italian Blood Center (CNS) and funded by the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS) and will be a further milestone in the objectives of EuBIS to give assistance in promoting its mission "from good to best practice in transfusion medicine". On behalf of all EuBIS Project participants, Collaborating partners and the Academy trainers, we are happy to invite you to Florence and hope that we will have an exciting training including fruitful discussions and extensive exchange of ideas.
Prof. Dr. Giancarlo M. Liumbruno General Director Centro Nazionale Sangue (CNS) Istituto Superiore di Sanita Prof. Dr. Christian Seidl Coordinator EuBIS Academy Vice Medical Director, GRCBDS Dr. Simonetta Pupella Director Medical Affairs & Blood Inspection System - CNS Istituto Superiore di Sanita Dr. Fewzi Teskrat International Relations, EuBIS Academy Senior Expert Tissues & Cells, ART
Registration: www.eubis-europe.eu (Meetings and Courses)
Participants are offered an examination (optional) with a certificate of successful participation in the examination by EuBIS Academy / CNS. The examination will be in English language.
Training course participants: - Qualified as inspectors by a Competent Authority - Individuals working in a blood establishment in the area of quality management. Training places are limited: Selection of training participants and confirmation of participation will be on the basis on time of registration.