EuBIS Academy - Training and Seminars
Seminars and trainings - From Good Practice (GP) to Good manufacturing Practice (GMP) – promoting the safety of blood transfusion
Quality management and inspection of blood establishments are a key stone in achieving best practice and guaranteeing the safety of blood and blood components for transfusion of patients. The European Blood Inspection System (EuBIS), initiated under the Public Health Programme of the European Commission, Directorate General SANCO, has developed a manual and training guide containing standards and guidelines for quality management and the inspection of blood establishments.
Based on the EuBIS manual and guide the EuBIS Academy is organising training seminars and courses in order to promote knowledge in the area of quality and safety of blood and blood components throughout Europe and worldwide.
The seminars and trainings comprise lectures and group work in a face-to-face fashion based on cases and addresses participants from blood establishment working in the area of quality management and from competent authorities or governmental institution working as inspectors.
EuBIS Academy Office (GRCBDS)
Contact: EuBIS@blutspende.de