6th EuBIS Seminar and Training 12th - 15th of May 2015 Regional Arabic Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
12.May. 2015The Course will give a comprehensive overview of commonly used standards and criteria summarised in the EUBIS manual and training guide. Learn to define critical sub-processes for quality management Advanced knowledge on how to use the cross-reference to commonly used standards and regulatory requirements such as the EU blood directive, GMP Standards, CoE (EDQM) guide and PIC/S guidelines. Practical exercises to train your knowledge in - Planning of inspections and defining critical control Points, Risk based assessment and management of Errors, Observation and communication skills and Classification of observations and Errors
On behalf of all EuBIS Project participants, Collaborating partners and the Academy trainers, we are happy to welcome you in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and hope that we will have an exciting training including fruitful discussions and extensive exchange of ideas.
Dr. Salwa Hindawi, President Saudi Society of Transfusion Medicine Member National Committee for Blood Transfusion & BMT Prof. Dr. Christian Seidl, EuBIS Academy Coordinator Dr. Fewzi Teskrat, Senior Expert for Human Products