Presentation of the EuBIS Project at the 3rd International Conference of the Saudi Society of Transfusion Medicine in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
22.Apr. 2016The EuBIS Academy has been invited by the Saudi Society of Transfusion Medicine to give a lecture on the EuBIS Manual and guide during it's 3rd International congress in Jeddah, from the 16th - 18th of April, 2016. The lecture with the title 'European Blood Inspections: Quality Management and Inspection of Blood and Blood Components following GMP Standards and the European directives' was presented by Professor Christian Seidl during the Session 1 – Education in Transfusion.
The EuBIS Academy recieved the Award of Appreciation for Collaboration and Valuable Contributions to the congress by SASTM.
The EuBIS Academy would like to thank, Professor Salwa Hindawi and the organising committee of the Saudi Society for Transfusion Medicine (SASTM) for their kind hospitality and the excellent congress organisation.